
Ffmpeg build enablelibx264 not found
Ffmpeg build enablelibx264 not found

ffmpeg build enablelibx264 not found ffmpeg build enablelibx264 not found

P.S.: I removed the libass support from the configuration, because libass depends on Fontconfig lib which I only have dynamic library available. Then, we will get a single executable FFmpeg binary! Remember to define -pkg-config-flags="-static", asking build process to use static library. configure -pkg-config-flags="-static" -libdir=/usr/local/lib -extra-version=ntd_20150128 -disable-shared -enable-static -enable-gpl -enable-pthreads -enable-nonfree -enable-libass -enable-libfdk-aac -enable-libmp3lame -enable-libx264 -enable-filters -enable-runtime-cpudetect Then rebuild it with the following command. Therefore, I first removed some external libraries support from build configuration and make sure all external libraries are only static (remove *.dylib from prefix /usr/local/lib).

ffmpeg build enablelibx264 not found

I leave my answer here.įFmepg build process take higher priority to use dynamic library even if static libraries are ready.

ffmpeg build enablelibx264 not found

I would be really appreciate for your help! Is it the right way to make all external libraries into single static binary? If I removed those dynamic libs, the FFmpeg will show an error like: dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libSDL-1.2.0.dylib In fact, it requires to link to dynamic libraries located at /usr/local/lib. configure pkg_config='pkg-config -static' -prefix=/usr/local -extra-version=ntd_20150126 -disable-shared -enable-static -enable-gpl -enable-pthreads -enable-nonfree -enable-fontconfig -enable-libfreetype -enable-libass -enable-libfdk-aac -enable-libmp3lame -enable-libopus -enable-libtheora -enable-libvorbis -enable-libvpx -enable-libx264 -enable-filters -enable-runtime-cpudetectĪfter build process, FFmpeg is around 14Mb, which means that it doesn't include the third party libraries. Here is the configuration settings I applied to build a static binary. First, I tried to build one on OSX, I follow the instruction on FFmpeg web: My target is to build a single static FFmpeg binary with libfdkaac and x264 support for OSX and Linux.

Ffmpeg build enablelibx264 not found